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While it may be intuitive to some, we must note that the CERBERUS works on more than just pistols!

It is equally beneficial on shotguns, rifles, and carbines as well.

The top image shows the CERBERUS is mounted to the front rail of an AR rifle.

The second image is the Cerberus on a 12 gauge shotgun.

This 5.7×28 carbine is fitted with a CERBERUS on the side rail.

The CERBERUS can even be used on many different “pepper” devices.

The CERBERUS is an “escalation of force” tool, so the capability to *escalate* is part of the S.O.P.  

Normally the escalation tool would be the firearm that the CERBERUS is attached to.  However, it is up to the operator to find what works best for their typical usage and/or environment.

Protect yourself & others

The CERBERUS not only protects you, but also the life of your target.




Be Aware

