msrp $675.00

US and International purchasing options.

If you are a buyer in the US, please visit our US domestic distribution partner www.WAR.inc







For direct purchase, you can PayPal US$675.00 per unit to  CivWar.Buy@gmail.com .

Simply log into your PayPal account and use CivWar.Buy@gmail.com as the funds recipient.  Be sure to include your full name, email, and street address (no PO Boxes).

Or you can go to the following links :



For International distributors *and* US distributor inquiries, please contact us at:

If you are interested in becoming a distributor, please reach out and we can discuss the quantity and pricing schedules available.
There are no US domestic nor International shipping restrictions nor sales restrictions.
The Cerberus is *not* ITAR, and can export EAR99!
We reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone.  Credentials may be required.  Thank you for your interest in the CERBERUS non-lethal visual disruptor.  We look forward to serving you.