Who is
Civilian Warfighter
Civilian Warfighter, LLC is dedicated to bringing the most advanced US military based Non-Lethal Visual Disruption technology to the civilian marketplace. The Cerberus offers the same wavelengths and pulse-rates as the military versions it was built from.
Back in the 70’s, my father Brad E. Meyers started a family-owned and family-operated electro-optics business. He believed in finding ways to innovate new technologies to solve specific needs in the military and law-enforcement arenas. Honoring his memory and following in his footsteps, I created a separate company from the Meyers family business to continue serving these unmet needs with new innovations.
In my early years with the Meyers family company, the laser systems were only infrared. But during the latter-half of my 19 years there, I was the head of the visible green military Non-Lethal Systems division, as well as the Director of Business Development. I received direct input from the Science and Technology offices of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corp, as well as the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate to shape and design these lasers. During those years, civilians (which includes local, state, and federal law enforcement) were constantly asking me for access to the restricted high-tech military gear being manufactured. But there was no commercial option available for these customers.
The family business is still dedicated to serving the military (and the vast majority of the products they manufacture are restricted to military-only), so I created Civilian Warfighter to both serve the military and also provide these formerly-restricted products to formerly-restricted buyers… namely ‘you’. All the same Joint Non-Lethal Weapon’s Directorate and DoD-S&T specifications required to create military levels of credible-glare are in our Non-Lethal Visual Disruption products.
The CERBERUS is available *directly* to active service men and woman who are frustrated with the military’s internal supply chain. The products are also available to private citizens, professional security, police, and federal agents (all of whom were previously completely banned from obtaining this military technology that Civilian Warfighter now offers).
It is a dangerous world we live in, and we’re sometimes unaware of the high-risk environment that surrounds us. We each must be ready and able to be our own support, our own law enforcement, our own military. . .
We must all be ready and able to be Civilian Warfighters.
Clint Meyers
Military Pedigree. Innovative History.
The high-tech development path.
Shown here are sketches and CADs of some early CERBERUS prototype versions. I first started the design when still part of the Meyers family business. The expertise of the same engineering team that developed the predecessor military laser versions helped craft the original CERBERUS components and performance specifications. It has undergone several refinements, resulting in a military-grade highly effective N-LVD device.
Nearly ten years of working directly with the Army, Navy, and Marines lead to the specifications and parameters that CERBERUS offers you. Specifically all the technical parameters of the military’s Green Laser Interdiction System (GLIS).
It inflicts your target with overwhelming visual interruption, giving you the precious time needed to react and prepare for the situation at hand. CERBERUS also simultaneously provides you a clear “go / no-go” for the potential need to escalate force.
As an extra bonus, CERBERUS does indeed provide the operator extreme operational illumination (far better than most handgun flashlights) . CERBERUS is not a flashlight, but so much more! It is a true visual-disruption device that integrates with your handgun.
There are many pistol flashlights available, many even strobe, but NONE of those meet the US Military requirements for effective power-density (mW/cm2), nor the proper wavelength and hertz to accomplish what the DoD has specified and required to achieve “credible glare” – the military’s term for visual disruption.
The measure of “lumens” is often misleading to buyers, and is completely irrelevant to the ability to provide military-grade credible-glare. Lumens is only a measure of emitted light in all directions. A flashlight with much higher lumens could be a quarter (or less) effective than the CERBERUS for true visual-disruption. Power-density per surface-area (the way you measure a laser) is the only true way to determine sufficient photo-energy to overload the human retina, and wash-out the target’s vision. The specific wavelengths and pulse-rate are also key elements in defeating your target’s vision.
CERBERUS is the only product in existence available to law enforcement and civilians that combines all the military requirements for a visual-disruption non-lethal escalation of force determination tool.
CERBERUS is protected by multiple US and International Patents.
You may have noticed that CERBERUS has primarily green energy emitters. The reason for this is tied directly to military specifications. The wavelength output of CERBERUS matches the DoD requirement for maximum inter-ocular sensitivity and ocular glare.
The addition of the “white emitter” (which is actually a wavelength blend) provides the perfect additional peripheral wavelengths to overcome the problem of monochromatic illumination, and lets the operator see colors and maintain depth-perception. This is what allows CERBERUS to be one of the most effective pistol flashlights as well as the best and only non-lethal visual-disruption device.

Final Form
During the development process, there were three primary configurations, with significantly different interfaces.
With a variety of lessons-learned from other products as well as the prototype iterations of the Cerberus itself, numerous changes and upgrades were factored into this unique and powerful tool.

Sleek Design
Ergonomics was of course a critical factor in the design (second only to power and performance), and within that arena we had to incorporate elements to address both functionality and aesthetic style.
Several unique elements contributed to the sleek, aggressive, and stylized look of the Cerberus, all while supporting the primary core mechanical functionality of the device.

Compact and Elegant
A whole lot of power in a tiny package. From the specialized lenses honeycombed tightly together, to the low profile button interface, the Cerberus is a no-nonsense tightly packed system in a gorgeous body.
Far advanced past the “round tube” design of it’s predecessor, the Cerberus utilizes today’s advanced high-pressure molding technology to keep all the internal components safe and protected while trimming away any excess bulk and weight.